Deliver Your Message 24/7 through Automation

You're probably an intriguing person, correct? You probably have a global following on your blogs and perhaps an even bigger following on social media. You're under pressure to deliver content on your blog as well as post every thought and news item on your Twitter account. Unfortunately the needs of sleep and of a social life are required in functioning human beings. So while you can't post, tweet or update 24/7, you can always automate the process.

Using Twitter Feeds

It's usually 15 year old girls and vapid celebrities who have the innate ability to post every thought that comes into their mind on the hour, every hour. Now the majority of us don't have that ability, nor do we have the time. So to keep your account relevant and updated, apps on the web were created so you can automatically post without logging into your account. I like using Twitter Feed. There, I can plug in the RSS Feed of my favorite blog or news source. Afterwards, their news feed or latest post are updated on my Twitter feed. My followers will get those updates naturally. Now I know it's not my content and I am redirecting them to another site. But those blogs and news feeds are relevant and similar in content and theme to my posts and updates. All in all, my followers are receiving the same kind of content. These apps also give you the opportunity to add hashtags and add additional text to every update. This is important because adding hashtags will always lead to new followers. And adding text gives you the opportunity to cite and to thank the source that you are posting.

Using Excel, yes Excel

Of course not all of us use Excel, some use Google Docs and I personally like using Open Office. Whatever you use, you can create a CSV file. CSV stands for comma separated value files. What the files does is gather information and separates them by value. Take for instance, a blog post. You have several fields to fill out before hitting the "Publish" button. Title, tags, categories and obviously post are many of the fields on your content management system (CMS). But let's say you have a trove of content. Let's say you went on a writing spree and you have enough content to last a month. Rather than posting everything in one fail swoop, you can automate the process through a CMS like Wordpress.

If you know how to work a spreadsheet, you can put all your titles, tags, categories and most importantly, posts into a csv file. From there, look for a Wordpress plugins that specializes in "importing" the aforementioned csv files. "Importing" is the key word here as that is what you are literally doing. You are importing all the information from your spreadsheet and converting them into posts on your CMS. Plugins like WP All Import seamlessly convert your csv files into clean posts that you can automate and schedule posting dates. I love using plugins like this because it allows me to post everyday without having to login, copy and paste and hit the "Publish" button.

Those who are invested in their blogs and their social media accounts, only can hope that they can keep up with a consistent stream of their thoughts, posts and updates. Unfortunately, the needs of a normal functioning life can get in the way of that. Thanks to several apps and plugins on the web automating our thoughts and updates can be done easily and in our sleep. Of course, you have to do your work in order to initiate the automation process. Posts don't write themselves and finding a consistent and relevant RSS feeds is a chore. But once you get your bearings set, your blog and your social media account will get a steady stream of content flowing without you having to lift a finger.

Image Credit: Adrian Korte on Flickr



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