Find Gifts for Your Friends with GiveEmThis

Ahh September. It's when temperatures proceed to go down, holiday songs begin playing on the radio, and people start writing their Christmas lists. If you can relate to the third item, then you must know how tricky gift-buying can be. Chances are, we all have friends who are vague when it comes to what they want. Then there are those who seem to have everything already, it's hard to come up with a unique present. If you're having such dilemmas, don't go running to Santa Claus just yet. Check out, a new "gift engine" that promises to help you give gifts like a pro with the use of predictive buying technology and algorithms. is a free web app that aims to give you gift ideas for your friends. Simply connect with your Facebook account, pick a friend that you're trying to give a present to, and the app will list a number of items that could give you some ideas on what presents to buy. Powered by Imply Labs' predictive technology, GiveEmThis analyzes a user's Facebook account-from their interests, to their location, wall posts, and even status updates to come up with the list of items to display. If your friend has a Twitter account, you can enter their Twitter handle as well, and GiveEmThis will factor in their tweets. The web app pulls their item listings from, and if you find something that you wish to buy right from their site, you can go straight to Amazon with a click of a button. GiveEmThis boasts of an 87% success rate when it comes to giving people gift ideas.

Bear in mind that GiveEmThis doesn't aim to replace your brain and spoon feed you with items that you should buy, rather, the web app is there to give you suggestions and bring your attention to some things that might not have crossed your mind yet.

Having tried the service myself, I would have to say that GiveEmThis does hit the mark... most of the time. The app managed to give me some pretty cool gift ideas, such as a Courtmaster Delux for my active and sporty friend John. A number of times, as I was browsing for presents, I found myself nodding, and saying "Yeah, they'll like that." Of course, their formula isn't perfect, and there were a few gift suggestions that weren't so accurate. For instance, I don't think that my girly and peachy friend Anna would want to play a violent game of Counter Strike.

Then again, GiveEmThis is still in its Beta phase, and like what they told Mashable, "The more users that we get, the more that we can improve the algorithm... It's a constantly learning system."

It was also reported that their product listings will soon include products from Zappos, and in the future, companies themselves will be allowed to add their products to the system.

Is a friend's birthday coming up? Are you racking your brain for things to give out this season? Why not take GiveEmThis for a spin, and see if you like their suggestions. Oh, and be sure to let us know what you think!


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