Top 5 Infographic Websites

These days, not only are there infographics for everything, but those data visualization thingies are everywhere on the Internet; they're practically on every website, being shared on every social network, and are being clicked on by everyone.

While a part of me is getting pretty sick of them, I can certainly understand why infographics are so popular. Numerous studies, pieces of data, and statistics are being put out every day, but sadly, no matter how fascinating findings can be, the masses aren't going to take a second look if these studies are presented in a serious, not to mention lengthy, format (i.e. 10 pages of plain text). In order to make massive amounts of data and statistics social media friendly or "sharable," you have to present them in attractive and easy to digest servings. Unfortunately, statistics can't be incorporated into funny videos of cats yet, so we'll just have to make do with the next best thing: graphics-big, bold, colorful, and easy to understand visual representations of data.

People naturally gravitate towards images, and this is the very reason why infographics have become rampant on the web. Thinking of getting one? These five websites are good places to start.

1. Infogen - Short for Infographics Generator,this is a blog solely about, you guessed it-infographics. Several times a week, Infogen publishes visual images pertaining to just about anything, from our favorite tech giants, to scientific findings, to seemingly random topics such as "Things to Do in Florida" and "The World's Largest Cruise Ship." Visit their site, and if you like what you see, you can send them a request for an infographic. Infogen charges a standard price of $300 and can deliver the goods in 3-5 business days.

2. JESS3 - This is a creative agency that specializes in data visualization. They've created some stunning infographics for sites and companies such as Tech Cocktail, GE, and Samsung. Their very own JESSE3 Labs also puts out presentations on topics like social media, marketing, and the web. However, JESS3 goes beyond infographics. Their range of services include web design, video, branding campaigns, character designs, and just about anything that involves illustrations. Founded by Jesse Thomas, JESS3 has garnered a lot big name clients over the last few years including, Mozilla, MTV, Yahoo!, and ESPN.

3. Dynamic Diagrams - This design studio was founded in 1990, and started off as a company "devoted to presenting information on the computer screen." Of course, as the Internet progressed, Dynamic Diagrams expanded to other forms of design including Animations/Interactives, 3D Modeling, and yes, infographics. Their clientele includes HP, TED, Sirius Satellite Radio, and more.

4. Always With Honor - AWH is a small company, consisting of Elsa, Tyler, and Zoe (Zoe is a dog). Nevertheless, Always With Honor goes on to show that great things do come in small packages. Check out their sleek illustrations, icons, marks, and infographics on various subjects. My personal favorite is their "Weight of the World" infographic that they created for

5. - is a little different. This site serves as a community for visualization designers that allow them to show off their work. Each member gets their own profile on wherein they can showcase all their awesome creations. Not a designer? No worries. is cooking something up for people who want to create their own infographics; they're working on a "push-button approach to infographics and data visualization." Last time I checked, this feature was still labeled as "Coming Soon," but you can enter in your name and email and they'll notify you when it's ready. In the meantime, you should really check out their "Twitter Vizualizer," an awesome tool that generates a visual representation of your Twitter self. Want to create an infographic about yours truly? Go ahead and Twitterize yourself.


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