Top Five Websites for Women Empowerment

The corporate and business world has always been male-dominated, but during the last several years, women have started to claim their share of the pie. However, in spite of the numerous corporate female success stories out there, a lot of women are still hesitant to break free from the housewife stereotype. Now ladies, don't get me wrong; being a stay-at-home mom is perfectly acceptable, if that truly is your choice. However, if you have that inkling to put on a suit or if you ever have the urge to put on your entrepreneur hat, then by all means, look in to it. Of course, this is not to say that you should drop everything and start a business, but if the idea ever crossed your mind, then it's something worth examining.

Is fear holding you back? Check out these five websites that can bust the scaredy cat out of your system. Aside from that, the following websites will not only empower you to take action, but they'll also provide practical tips for balancing your career, family, and social life.

1. Mogul Mom - This site's tagline says it all: The Mogul Mom is for moms running a business, raising a family, and rocking both. This blog is a great resource for women who need to run a household and a business at the same time. Read up on various articles about business, product development, social media, marketing, food, and more. The Mogul Mom was founded by Heather Allard, a mom of three who, in a span of 10 years, was able to set up three successful businesses WHILE juggling motherhood at the same time. Want to know how she did it? Or better yet, want to actually DO it? Check out her site, and find out how.

2. The Daily Muse - Alright ladies, gather 'round. Ever wish there was a site that's sort of a cross between The New York Times and Glamour? Well, The Daily Muse is exactly that. Whether you're in the middle of finishing your degree, looking for a new job, trying to get a promotion, or starting your own business, The Daily Muse has something just for you. However, aside from articles on career building, this website also dishes out great tips and insights on style, technology, health, travel, and more. Visit their site, and work on being the fabulous, well-rounded woman that you're meant to be.

3. Bizchickblogs - Written by women, for women, this online magazine discusses all the significant topics in a woman's life: business, technology, health, and relationships and family, sprinkled with articles on food, style, travel, and culture. Founded by Tia Peterson, a former business analyst and technical writer, publishes great articles for the modern woman. Want to share your own experiences and advice? Sign up to be a contributor, and get your insights in front of thousands of engaged women.

4. CreateHYPE - Let's say you've already started a business. Need help getting the word out? Look no further than CreateHYPE, a marketing email that delivers tips, videos, and training about selling and marketing. Founded in 2011 by Justine Grey, CreateHYPE caters especially to women entrepreneurs, covering topics such as social media, branding, advertising, PR, and Word of Mouth.

5. DailyWorth - If you're intimidated by numbers and heavy talks about finance, then be sure to hit the subscribe button on their site. "DailyWorth is a community of women who talk money and deliver practical tips, empowering ideas, and the occasional kick in the pants... daily to your inbox." Oh, and did I mention that their emails are free? Yup, great money tips, ideas, and advice delivered to your inbox, free of charge. If you feel like you need a map to sort out your debt, retirement fund, stock portfolio, or any other finance matter, then DailyWorth can serve as your GPS.

Image credit: Search Engine People Blog on Flickr


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