Google Promotes Internet Safety with Good to Know Campaign

Yesterday it was announced that Google teamed up with the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) to implement "Good to Know," a campaign that promotes Internet safety. Good to Know aims to teach users "how to be safer on the Internet" and manage the information that they share online.

While there are already several existing websites that educate users about Internet safety, what's truly commendable about this initiative is that the search giant went out of its way to ensure that the language that's used in the campaign is very basic and that everyone-even the newest of the n00bs will be able to comprehend the concepts in Internet safety and information management.

Aside from the use of simple terms, the Good to Know campaign also provides videos and illustrations to better explain Internet safety issues such as phishing, cookies, IP addresses, and more. In addition, Google makes use of interesting tips to help users protect themselves online. For example, when it comes to formulating passwords, Google advises users to "Ask Hamlet. Or Macbeth. Or Othello. Or even take a lyric from your favorite song. The more unusual the better. Try thinking of a memorable line like, 'To be, or not to be, that is the question' and then use numbers, symbols and mixed letter to recreate it: 2bon2btitq is a password with quadrillions of variations. Which is a lot."

Sure, we've all heard the advice that a good password should be unusual and should be a combination of number and letters, but Google's tip on "Asking Hamlet" is a creative and memorable take on the concept of strong passwords.

Moreover, Good to Know includes interesting comparisons into the campaign. For example, to emphasize the importance of logging out, Google likens the issue of not signing out of your accounts to "leaving your front door open for strangers."

Need to brush up on your Internet vocabulary? Check out their Jargon Buster which breaks down and explains those scary-looking terms for users.

Other "lessons" that users can pick up from Good to Know include how to manage cookies, how to differentiate various types of malware, how to use safe search, and more. Again, all of the discussions in Good to Know are stripped off Internet jargon and are accompanied with illustrations and videos.

I'm giving Good to Know the highly recommended stamp. I think that it's is an awesome project that a TON of people can benefit from. Internet safety is a serious matter, but sadly, most users have zero vigilance when it comes to their activities online. The Internet is present in just about every industry, and it's shocking how little people know about a tool that they use on a daily basis. Good to Know is a site that should definitely be checked out. Even if you're pretty good at covering your tracks online, the site is still worth a visit to see if there are any security measures that you may have missed.

To learn more about the Good to Know Campaign, you can visit


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