Top 5 Sites for Children

The internet is not just for adults anymore.

As more and more kids hit the web, parents should encourage them to take the opportunity to learn. There are plenty of websites out there that expose children to different learning methods. From studying math and spelling, to using games to learn, the internet has come a long way in becoming a friendly environment for kids, especially with parental controls intact. Here are some of the best websites on the web that your children could use to help aid their ability to learn different subjects using different types of methods.

1. - FunBrain is a great website with math, reading, fun and much more that help the child learn through methods they can more closely relate to. Games such as Math Baseball, Desert Dive and Vine Time help the child (along with parents help) learn some key essentials through a fun way. In Math Baseball, they give a problem and your child types in the answer and presses "Swing". If the answer is correct, the child will get a hit. A method of reward for success, it's always a great technique to help as a learning aid.

2. - CyberKids is a directory of sorts that also provides online tutoring, homework help, fun games and others. It's mainly for kids 7 to 12 and is designed in a simple fashion to help the kids navigate through the site with ease. It also has stories, music, art and poetry, things that your child could use to help aid their reading abilities.

3. - Funology allows kids to view jokes, riddles, games, facts, magic tricks and even helps with arts and crafts projects. These are things that the child can share with the parent, even including recipes into their list of fun things. The things to do on this site are endless and will keep your child entertained for hours on end.

4. PBS Kids - There are plenty of things to do on this website for kids ranging from preschool to pre-teen and they are all fun. There are games, music, stories, games and plenty more that will allow you to feel comfortable that your child is doing the right stuff online. It's a great site with many stories, videos and of course, some educational parent tips from the wonderful people at PBS.

5. - There's nobody more associated with keeping kids safe than the wonderful McGruff the Crime Dog. With a website full of games, videos and advice, McGruff is always teaching your kids all of the ways to stay safe. The games, videos and advice are all centered on what to do in certain negative situations. This site will help your children (and you parents) feel more comfortable should your child end up in a hostile situation.

Image credit: fabrice caduc on flickr


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