Baltimore Magician Anthony Ware

Business Description

Products and Services offered

Baltimore based. African-American Magician Anthony Ware. Fun, Up-Beat, Mind-Boggling, Amazing and Lots of Comedy Magic Shows! Bar Mitzvahs, Bat Mitzvahs, Birthdays, Picnics, Corporate Events, Ice Cream Socials, Private Parties, Schools, Universities, Trade Shows, Etc. Anthony Ware isn't just an Entertainer & Magician for your child's event -- with years of experience performing corporate parties and private events he's capable of inspiring even the biggest skeptic in the room and bringing life to the driest of environments! Let him make your jaw drop and bring the excitement and fun to your event. Call or text Mr. Ware today - (443) 414-2150!

Business Hours:
M-Su 24hr

Magicians,Live Theater,Clowns,Carnivals,Professional Organizations

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