Ascendant Detox - NYC

Business Description

Products and Services offered

Ascendant Detox - NYC is a free-standing boutique detox and outpatient addiction treatment center located in Midtown Manhattan, New York City. Ascendant provides private and safe detox programs in a luxury setting. Ascendant is a team of highly skilled healthcare professionals dedicated to your success. We are here to make a difference in helping fellow New Yorkers and guests from around the country to overcome addiction. It is our mission to make recovery possible for everyone. We understand that each person's journey through recovery is unique. So, we believe that treatment should be too. Our team of seasoned clinicians and medical professionals will tailor treatment for our patients in a safe and supportive environment.

Business Hours:
M-Su 24hr

Drug Treatment Centers,Drug Abuse & Addiction Information & Treatment,Drug Abuse & Addiction Information & Treatment

Drug Detox, Alcohol Detox, Nyc Detox

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