Kia of Everett

Business Description

Products and Services offered

Kia of Everett (formerly Performance Kia) is one of the longest standing Kia dealerships in the state of Washington. We have a family atmosphere, a dedication to our customers, and take great pride in the service we provide. We can handle every aspect of your vehicle needs, from finding you the best new car for your lifestyle to servicing and repairing the one you currently have.

Business Hours:
M-F 8:30am-7:30pm, Sa 8:30am-7pm, Su 10am-7pm

Auto Dealers-New Cars,Auto Dealers-Used Cars,Auto Dealers,Auto Dealers New Cars,Used Cars,Auto Dealers Used Cars,Auto Leasing,Auto Body Repair,Auto Accessories Retail,Auto Parts,Auto Oil - Lube

Car Leasing, Car Financing, Auto Maintenance, Auto Repairs


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